Mental Health. While commonly talked about, the concept is still very foreign, especially to older generations. Everyone has had some sort of run in with their mental health. Maybe last week you had a bad day but you can't stop thinking about it. Or you continuously made yourself anxious for no reason at all. Obviously, some mental health is more severe than others. When gone unchecked, it can create many more issues further down the line. That is why mental health needs to be talked about more and should be the forefront of the occasional deep conversation. Personally I have had my fair share of mental health hiccups. Being diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) at ten years old was definitely not my plan. And it especially was not my parent's plan either. What many might talk about is the effect of mental health, not only on you as a person, but on the others around you. This can be scary. It might make the people around you feel...