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Entry #4: Fostering Cats

    Fostering animals has been one of the most exciting, rewarding, and challenging experiences that I have ever put myself through. Currently, I am fostering three kittens at once. Since my family and I were given these kittens in September we decided to name them after the Sanderson Sisters in Hocus Pocus. They are named Sarah, Winnie, and Mary and they are such energetic balls of joy. Originally, I had began fostering cats because I just loved the felines. Little did I realize the true impact fostering cats had in the U.S. 

    According to ASPCA, around 3.2 million cats arrive to animal shelters just in the U.S. alone. Every year approximately 860,000 of those cats are euthanized. When I initially read this statistic I was mortified at that extremely high number. Since I am a cat lover at large, I realized that I had done some good when deciding to suddenly foster three kittens from the same litter and bring them into our loving home. 

    After looking at such a large number, three may seem like a miniscule amount. But, at least those are three kittens who are not in shelters. There's this old story that I live by on a day to day basis and I think it applies especially here. The story is of a little boy throwing starfish back into the ocean as they wash up on the shore. An old man criticizes the boy and says that there are so many starfish that the boy's efforts would not make a difference. The boy then says that he made a difference to the starfish that he had thrown back into the coast. 

    While this story may seem severly out of place with this topic, it accurately describes fostering. It describes how fostering could help that one animal alone. With enough fosters, shelters could have space so euthanizations could become uncommon. I hope that after reading this, you may consider fostering or donating to shelters that are in need of supplies. Together, we can make a difference. 




  1. Hi Sarah! I was really touched by this entry. I’ve never owned a cat, but I do believe it is extremely important to foster animals because like you mentioned, many innocent animals get killed for no reason. With that being said, my family rescued a Boston Terrier from a shelter and he has been with us ever since! Also, I’m a huge fan of Hocus Pocus, therefore, I love your cats names! Great job of shedding light on this topic!

  2. Hey Sarah! I enjoyed your post. I never realize how many cats don't have a home. I never owned any pets so to see such a large number just makes me want to go foster one of them. I think it is awesome that you foster cats because you are giving them a life that they deserve.

  3. I love this story! I can't remember where I heard it, but I think the sentiment in the story is really quite profound. Also I think the fact you decided to foster those three kittens is awesome. Raising animals is a lot of work, and it is great you are able to enjoy it and keep those guys out of the shelters!


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