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Blog #0: All About Yours Truly

    Hi everyone! My name is Sarah and I am an 18 year old college student who is slowly, (but surely), working towards an associates degree in science with an emphasis in biological sciences. While I wish I could say that I know one hundred percent of where my future lies, that is what makes the journey that much more exciting! Now that I am done making myself sound like a motivational speaker, I might as well start talking more in depth about myself. So sit back, relax, maybe put on my favorite song (which happens to be linked for your viewing pleasure), and let's get into it!

    I was born April 12, 2002 right here in Arizona. I live with my parents and my sister Amy. We have two cats (Vader and Cheesy), and a dog (Ellie). When I was younger I always gravitated to creative activities. This led me to eventually get into painting. I specifically like to paint portraits. I also loved (and still love) Halloween and all things scary. This eventually led to me getting really passionate for special effects makeup. Now I am going to give you a warning now, it's fake gore. As much as I would love to put an image of myself on this blog covered head to toe in makeup, I am aware that many people are not into that sort of thing. Instead, I will be posting a photo of one of the first makeups that I saw that really got me into the craft. 

    Although I have never watched Pan's Labyrinth before, I remember seeing this image circulating the internet and thought it was amazing! Ever since then, I have been hooked on making myself look completely different!

    Speaking of horror, it is one of my favorite genres of film. I also really like romantic comedies, and let's face it, who doesn't? My favorite movies in particular are 500 Days of Summer, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Cabin in The Woods, Scream, Saw, Silence of The Lambs, etc. As you can probably tell, I am not picky. 

    This image is from 500 Days of Summer where our two main characters meet each other for the first time. This scene is when I instantly fell in love with the movie. I also love music and I am not picky when it comes to that either. I listen to pretty much all genres except country. I specifically love Indie and Pop Punk. My music taste is something I have great pride in. So if you don't like Indie or Pop Punk music, we probably won't get along (Just kidding, or am I?). 

    I am really excited to see where this semester takes me and I can't wait to bring you guys along for the ride!



  1. Hi Sarah! I like your choice of movies! I am also into horror and romance movies. I saw 500 Days of Summer and loved it too! Special effects makeup is something that I love to watch. I could spend hours on YouTube watching these talented people do it, but for me I have no talent whatsoever. but its okay because my best friend is really good at it and I watch and admire her. I am really eager to see your special effects makeup!
    -Alyssa Oslund

  2. Hi Sarah, right when I read that you have cats I knew I liked you lol! Special effects makeup is so creative and and takes an artist to do it, I would love to see some of your pieces! Glad that you said you like indie music because that is all I listen to. People should take pride in their music, and I'm glad we think that same.
    -Maddy Bonetto

  3. Hey! I love horror movies. When I was younger me and my sister would crawl up on the couch and watch them, but I wasn't into really scary movies until I got older. Like let's face it, when I was little I thought Series of Unfortunate Events was scary. Like HOWW? Anyways, I wish you had posted a picture of your makeup. I love looking at all the crazy and cool things you makeup artist can do. It takes real talent, and you should share that with the world.

  4. Hey Sarah! I also love halloween! I love the scary and spooky vibes and the movies are awesome! Me and my friends always watch halloween movies and bake some of those Pillsberry cookies with the pumpkins on them haha! I see you have 2 cats and 1 dog! I don't have cats but I do have dogs and I am a huge animal lover! I hope we both have an amazing year! best of luck in the future!

  5. Hello Sarah, sometimes I hate to admit it but I love watching Romantic movies but I am also a big horror fan too! You are soo lucky to know how to use make-up, me on the other hand I do not nothing about it. But the special effect makeup in horror movies always fascinated me too. But I would love to see your skills, I bet you do it so well.

  6. Sarah! I loved reading your introduction and think its so cool that you followed your passion for special effects its such a unique interest. Despite the fact that I hate all things horror I still admire your talent and passion for it. From a far of course lol. As far as music is concerned Indie and pop punk are clearly some of the superior genres so we are the same in that aspect. Looking forward to reading more from you!

  7. Hi Sarah, I also have a lot of pets, I have 3 cats and 1 dog, they are my babies! I am an animal lover, I would love to see some pictures of your dog and cats. I also love Halloween, it is one of my favorite holidays, I love the whole process of dressing up and doing special effects makeup, not good, but I try. I would love to see some of your special affects makeup looks as well, that is something that interests me as well, not so much doing the looks, but seeing how creative and talented others are with it. I look forward to seeing more in your future blog posts!


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