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Entry #1: Blogs, Blogs, and more Blogs

     Blogs! They can be about pretty much everything. From DIY projects for your living room to recipes for the table, blogs can be an incredible source of information. Not only that, but they can also showcase people's lives and day too day activities. With blogs, the possibilities are limitless. Anyone has the ability publish writings to the internet and discover an audience that can appreciate them. Now you may be asking yourself, "Sarah, what is your opinion on blogs?" I'm glad you asked! I believe blogs are great! But it takes a certain type of person to be able to create a cohesive and well thought out one. 

    For instance, a good example of this would be The Skinny Confidential. You can explore this masterpiece of a blog here. This blog is clear and is visually interesting for its audience. The blog is organized very clearly with easy to access links and directories. All of the visuals on the page relate back to the topics that addressed. The author's purpose of her blog is to talk about events and/or tips for women. Another great blog is Barefoot Blonde. You can take a look at this blog here. Like The Skinny Confidential, this blog includes great use of visuals and links to direct the audience. This blog is centered around beauty and lifestyle, making it clear to those who happen to stumble upon her writings. The blog is also laid out similarly to The Skinny Confidential, with clear headings and strong writing. But, all blogs are not created equal. While some blogs exceed expectations, others fall short.

    Now, I want to clarify in advance, I'm not trying bash an author of a blog here. All I am doing is simply critiquing it and giving the author advice. Do we have that out of the way? Good? One blog that I was not particularly into was Stories About My Underpants. This is can be read here. While the writing is stellar, (with clear diction and tone), the blog itself is very bland. There is a handful of pictures scattered around the page, with no real directory. As someone who is very visually inclined, I had trouble finding any interest in the blog itself. Which is a shame since the writing is SO good. 

    It just goes to show how little changes can make a blog stand out from the rest. Clear writing, visuals, and directories can really make or break the chances of a successful blog. 


  1. I really enjoy your tone and style of writing; it feels like you are putting yourself into this blog. When I read this, it feels that you are having a casual conversation with the audience and helps the audience engage more in your writing. Your descriptions of the blogs are brief but are still descriptive.

  2. I love the color use in your blog, I felt already drawn in when I was reading. I felt like I could relate to the details in your blog and how visuals, pictures make a huge difference. When I was going through blogs I would find some that just made me confused because there was to much going on, then there were some where I felt like there was nothing at all.


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