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Entry #9: What Does Food Convey?

    When viewing this image, what thoughts pop up in your mind? You might sense a feeling of warmth and safety. There is joy in the air, surrounded in smiles and celebration. What is in the center of this image? You guessed it, it's food and drinks. As people, I don't think we take into consideration how much food effects our social life. Think of a party you might have went to. There might have been drinks as well as small appetizer like foods. Parties are typically associated and synonymous with fun gatherings. Think about holidays. On Christmas, many people eat what is typically traditional for their families. Christmas is a time of giving, as well as Thanksgiving. What I am trying to emphasize and showcase is that food really is the heart of gatherings. This is why when we think of "comfort foods" we are often craving a connection. Personally, when I notice I am craving a "comfort" food, (such as pasta and italian food), I am missing family and the emotions I felt when connecting with them; the laughs and awkward conversations that take place while I am consuming that amazing food. While there is positive connotations with food, there is also negative ones. Maybe a cousin of yours is still asking why you are single or what you are doing with your life and it makes you uncomfortable. This may lead to you have negative reactions to certain types of food or gathering like activities. Food does not always convey positive emotions, it may also convey fear and negativity. It's really interesting to dissect how much food really plays a part on other people's emotions.


  1. Hi Sarah

    You must have been at my family gatherings. They are just as you explained. Fun, awkward and wonderful. Nice job.

  2. When I saw this topic I thought it was so strange to compare the diversity in what everyone is taking from these topics. There is one thing to write about but everyone seems to be having diffrent answers thank you for the thoughtful ideas.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I really enjoyed how you emphasized the importance of food in people's lives; and not only in their lives, but their emotions and feelings toward their day to day lives. Sharing a meal is much more than just eating but sharing the comforting feeling of those around you. Well done on this blog!

  4. When I saw the picture, I immediately smelled like warm fall smell. I also agree with you because when I crave comfort food, I miss my family that lives in Florida. Its amazing to think that food has an impact on all of our senses. Great entry!


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